I love, love, LOVE the astrological education included in your readings! As for me, I'm definitely experiencing my Tower moment, and it's comforting to see that this is part of a larger plan. I'll try to stay mindful of my life's cycles in order to hear from my Spirit guides. I can certainly see endings and new beginnings these days, so I'll try to learn from this. The Page of Wands has been playing out for me in my ideas for new projects and passions. I've been enjoying it! I see that to remain grounded this week, I'll have to lean in to my curiosity and keep my thoughts stimulated by new ideas. So, I'll try to keep my mind open to new and different ideas.

Thank you so much for such an insightful reading full of guidance! I enjoy each one of them!

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Oof sorry to hear about the Tower moment, those are never easy! But I’m always happy to read my readings are insightful!

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