Aug 26, 2023Liked by Miriam Rachel

Omg this is so resonate with me!!! I am often turned off and felt more awful regarding the topic of "our soul choosing this trauma, you've prepared for this for lifetimes etc etc" but ofc my soul doesn't want to choose trauma in the first place! Trauma is really horrible!!! Thank you for pointing out about this. The toxic positivity needs to be abolished from spiritual community!

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Thanks for reading and yes toxic positivity is evil. These people who use it and do worse with it are too! lol

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So true! The spiritual community definitely needs to be careful to not go into victim blaming.

I believe that the soul is very adept at finding a healing, growth-oriented response to even terrible incidents. Often, I find myself astounded by what people can go through and still find a way to flourish. Their strength and resilience is incredibly touching.

At the same time, that resilience doesn't mean that the soul wanted the trauma in the first place. Also, everyone is on their own journey, and we can never know what it's like to be them. One of the most fundamental lessons of spirituality is compassion, and victim blaming is devoid of compassion.

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Thank you Louise and I agree. I think if the soul has at least one pillar in their lives it can help them get through a lot.

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May 15·edited May 15

I was with you and enjoyed your ideas up until the last two paragraphs, these last two were so weirdly out of place and context, and not supportive of the spiritual observations shared earlier above.

I'm now quite UN-expectantly left with a sour taste in my mouth, together with one glaring question about how any individual who was truly spiritual, and was striving for continual self improvement and emotional maturity, could possibly ever consider or consent to the surrender of their own bodily autonomy (our sacred earthly temple) over to any external entity or "supposed" authority over them here on earth?

Personal freedom is one essential ingredient for growth to be possible at all. Whether this is spiritual growth or other, freedom of choice is required for consequences (lessons) thereafter to enable learning and change.

Hence, in basic spiritual terms, our individual freedoms are non-negotiable and even fundamental within all Spiritual frameworks and practice, and even the majority of organised religious.

Your right to worship "science" is not for anyone else to question, it is solely your own decision made. Nor certainly then should anyone then have right to accuse you and declare you evil based upon your decision to believe in "science'. So, now this untested science, declared as truth beyond question, covid science discussion is banned and now punishable, then becomes reasoning for denial of freedoms and imprisonment of people in their homes indefinitely, declaring our unconsenting gaoling necessary for our 'protection and safety'. Nothing fishy here.

Accordingly, my own right to question and critically examine all information presented to me as "science" equally must be deemed as no one else's business at all, let alone become susceptible to attempts to disallow my own sensible thoughts, decisions, and questions. My critical analysis of all external data, is my non-negotiable right-of-decision and choice to be made as an adult of sound mind and body. I am but one individual among many, yet hold equal authority within the total of all others here on earth. I am not less, nor greater, than any other. And no other is greater, nor any less than me.

Importantly, science is, and was, formed from simple questioning of the world around us. Science is the practice of continual questioning, and testing of all possibilities, in search of understanding the world around us (repeating ∞).

"Science is a rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of

testable explanations and predictions about the world."


Science is not static, science cannot become static, as this defies definition of science.

The continual testing of all our knowledge ensures an ever changeable, organic, evolution of our collective knowledge. Science is the continued scrutiny of all information - this testing ensures the continual search for better informational integrity and ultimately, in hope of finding the complete ultimate truth.

Henceforth, I'm unsure how one could possibly rationalise 'trusting the science' when supposed science was not allowed to be questioned, let alone tested, even the mere discussion of this 'science' was deemed a punishable offence. This defies all logical reason, and even now covid 'science' remains unexplained, untested, STILL unquestionable, and apparently must be forgotten now as all has become very quiet (even taboo) within all participating lock-down governments globally.

Again, nothing fishy here. Move along.

Thank you for sharing your insights around spiritual narcissism - it is real. Unfortunately, the appearance of goodness has become prioritised over actual good doings and the genuine wish to become wholly good or better oneself, within our current society as a whole :(


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Well I believe in bodily autonomy too but the brainwashing is what I have the problem with. Those spiritual narcissists were very much part of QAnon. If you made an informed choice to not be vaxxed or to be vaxxed that is 100% your choice. But QAnon supporters did plenty of brainwashing. That’s my problem, I am a moderate as I don’t agree with the far right or left.

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