6 hrs agoLiked by Miriam Rachel


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Beautiful, Miriam, thank you for writing about this! I've had emetophobia since I was a child (I'm 50 now). When I was a kid, no one had heard of it, it didn't even have a name as far as I knew. I just knew that I lived in terror of it (I still do). My loved ones basically thought I was being ridiculous and just needed to get over it. I'm so grateful to people like you who continue to bring it into the light. You've inspired me to consider writing about my experiences with it in case that might be helpful to anyone else. ❤️🙏

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Oh Jenna I’m so sorry you deal with it too. And yeah my family has the same attitude. It boils down to just lack of empathy. Too bad it runs rampant. I will be 50 next summer and I know this will be something I deal with lifelong but it doesn’t impact me unless there is a legit threat.

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Same. I'm only triggered now if I know I've been exposed to another's illness. But it's fascinating how it's morphed over the years. When I was younger, the triggers and fears were mostly around food poisoning. Parenting was really difficult and I would have panic attacks if my son was sick, but the story around the fear was not about me catching the illness. Now, I never worry about food poisoning, but if I've been around someone with a stomach illness, it sends me spiraling. So strange to me how it would change like that. I guess there's nothing rational about a phobia, so I'm not sure why I'd expect it to make sense. Lol. I'm so sorry you didn't have the support you needed with it either when you were younger. Here's to those of us afflicted with it being one another's support in the world! ❤️

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Omg same. I enjoy eating out and trying new foods so I don’t worry about food poisoning either. I also enjoy traveling. But stomach bugs as that does it! If I hear of the dreaded norovirus going around then I become terrified. And my husband had to choice to deal with sick kids which fortunately was rare. However I do worry about the idea of going on a cruise (went on one during the honeymoon and it was ok) only because you hear about norovirus breakouts often.

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